Wednesday, August 22, 2007

seven minutes in heaven.

So there's this interview thing that's going around the blog-o-sphere where you volunteer for a fellow blogger to interview you. then they have to take the time to come up with some questions; the whole thing is very inconveniencing. fortunately, my friend Mr. Booth was good enough to write up seven questions that would have stone phillips shitting humility for a week. here they are.


1. You win the lottery. Like crazy powerball 327 million lottery. What is the third thing you do with that money?

a) pay henry rollins to punch me in the face.

2. If you had to pick a famous person as the yard stick for your own morality, are you more Roman Polanski, Rick James, or James Bakker?

a) definitely roman polanski. but not in real life - just that scene from Chinatown where he slices jack nicholson's nose with a switchblade. i've always wished i were that kind of lunatic bad ass on some level.

3. Why try?

a) because there wasn't anything good on tv.

4. Do you remember where you were when you heard "George Bush doesn't care about black people."?

a) in a church's chicken. i think that's a loaded statement, though, because george bush doesn't care about anybody.

5. Two parts, What would be the perfect threesome and what would you cook for breakfast afterwards?

a) if we're going with the traditional celebrity fantasy thing - natalie portman and anne hathaway. i would cook blueberry waffles, potatoes o'brien, and vegetarian sausage patties.

6. Have you ever set anything on fire that was not supposed to be?

a) i should really make some sort of joke about burning books, since i have some german in me, but i think i'm going to take a different road on this one. i actually really like setting things on fire, and always have. one of the more memorable times i dabbled in pyromania, i practically soaked a rail (like the ones you grind on with a skateboard) in lighter fluid and then convinced one of my friends to light it with a match. he didn't have eyebrows that summer and i called him whoopi goldberg. i am not a good person. i did get a radical 5-0 grind on the flaming rail though.

7. Why the Jedi braid?*

a) i originally started growing it half as a joke, and half as a reminder to keep my emotions (like fear, anger, jealousy, etc.) in check, like the Jedi philosophy says. but i've been a star wars nerd since birth, so that's probably the real reason. that, and the whole chicks loving it thing.

*i have a little braid like the ones that the Jedi apprentices (called Padawans) grow while their in training. it's behind my right ear and goes down to my shoulder. it's dumb.

1 comment:

anthony said...

A henry rollins face punch is a good investment.